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Showing posts from July, 2006

Scam Alert!

This morning, a citizen called A/LT Stoots and advised him that she had received a call from a telephone solicitor who stated that he was raising money for the Mount Rainier Police injured officers fund. Both the Mount Rainier Police Department and the Mount Rainier Fraternal Order of Police were unaware that such a solicitation was being conducted, and neither the Department nor the FOP has authorized any company or organization to solicit contributions for any purpose. Should you receive a call from anyone asking for contributions to this bogus charity, please do not pledge them any money or give them your credit card or other personal information. Please pass this information along to your neighbors and any City mailing list to which you subscribe.

Chief's Remarks

Below is the text of my remarks on the occasion of my swearing in as your Chief of Police: For the last four of my 31 years in law enforcement I have served the Mt. Rainier Police Department in a variety of positions, both civilian and sworn. In all the positions I’ve held, from accounts payable, to Records Manager, First Sergeant and Lieutenant, I have been successful in engaging the loyalty and respect of the men and women of the Department. As a police commander, I have always demanded a high level of professionalism and service to the community, and have worked diligently to ingrain a strong community policing philosophy into our operations. These two qualities, professionalism and community service are the foundation of effective relationships with all those, both within and outside our community, who have a stake in ensuring the safety and quality of life of our residents. As your newly sworn police chief, I look forward to improving the department’s sense of “community” as it...