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Showing posts from January, 2017

Community Survey

The Mount Rainier Police Department is conducting a detailed survey that will assist us in improving police services to the citizens, businesses and visitors of Mount Rainier. The answers you provide will be a valuable asset to us as we work to maintain and improve the trust and legitimacy of the Department in our community. When you are considering an answer to any of the questions on this survey, please give the most detailed response you can provide. A detailed response will help us understand the needs of the community, highlight issues we may not have considered, and point out ways we can better deliver services. It will give us information necessary to make positive changes in our community and our police force. All responses on this survey will be, and will remain, confidential. No personally identifiable identification will be shared with anyone beyond the assessors of the survey. The survey can be accessed at the following web link, and please, spread the word ...