Over the past three weeks, there have been 3 attempted sexual assaults near the hiker/biker trail along the Anacostia tributary. One incident occurred ON September 10th near Magruder Park and the other two happened near the West Hyattsville Metro Station. While we cannot confirm that these incidents are connected, the general description of the suspect is similar: Hispanic male, short black hair, approximately 5'7"-5'9", 19-30 years of age.
In all three incidents the suspect attempted to drag the victim into the woods. The incidents have occurred late at night (12:20am) and early in the morning (7:15am).
For your safety, please take extra precautions when using the trail system. T ell your friends or family the route you will be taking. If possible, do not walk or jog alone. Carry a whistle and carry a cell phone. Do not wear a headset. Stay alert, be observant. Report all suspicious activity to 301-985-5060.
For more safety tips, go to: http://www.pgparks.com/Your_Parks/Trails/Tips_for_Trail_Safety.htm
En las ultimas tres semanas, han estado tres intentos de asaltos sexuales cerca el camino de caminar/montar bici por el afluente del Anacostia. Un intento ocurrio ayer cerca el Parque Magruder y los otros ocurrieron cecra el Metro de West Hyattsville. No podemos confirmar que los incidentes son conectado, pero la descripciones del sospechoso son semejantes: Hombre, Latino, pelo corto y negro, apoximadamente 5'7"-5'9", entre 19 y 30 aƱos de edad.
En las tres incidentes el sospechoso ha probado lleva la victima adentro del bosque. Han ocurrido tarde en la noche y temprano en la maƱana.
Para su seguridad, tenga cuidado extra cuando usandos los caminos. Diga a sus amigos y familia la ruta que va a tomar. Si es posible, no camina ni corre solo. Lleve un silbato y telefono. No lleva audiophonos en sus orejas. Reporte toda actividad sospechosa a 301-985-5060.
Para mas consejos de seguridad, visite: http://www.pgparks.com/Your_Parks/Trails/Tips_for_Trail_Safety.htm