Carjacking in the 3700 block of Rhode Island Avenue that occurred on August 3 rd : No additional information has come to light in this case. The suspect was arrested in DC after crashing the victim’s car and charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and other traffic charges related to the crash. PGPD detectives are screening the case with the State’s Attorney’s Office to see if charges can be placed against the suspect here in Maryland. Homicide that occurred on August 5 th in the 3400 block of Rhode Island Avenue : PGPD homicide detectives continue to investigate the case, however no solid leads have been developed. MRPD officers have been working with PGPD to identify and question several potential witnesses but no additional information has come out of those interviews. Contact shooting that occurred on August 3 rd : PGPD detectives developed a suspect and uncovered sufficient information to secure a search and seizure warrant ...