Notify Me Prince George's is a service provided to alert registered users during major events and/or local emergencies. Notify Me Prince George's will deliver important emergency information and updates to your registered devices: • email account (work, home, other) • cell phone (via SMS) • pager When a major event or emergency occurs, the Prince George’s County Office of Homeland Security will alert registered users via Notify Me Prince George's. Notify Me Prince George's will provide updates on active events and if required, instructions on where to go, what to do, what not to do, who to contact and other important information. NOTE: Registering for Notify Me Prince George’s is a free service. However, your wireless carrier may charge a fee to receive text messages. Please check with your wireless service provider to determine service fees as provided under your service contract. To register for Notify Me Prince Georges go to https://notifyme.princegeorgescoun...